
NZ on track to have more renters than homeowners

Fewer than half the population are likely to own a home in the next 25 years, according to new research. A Deloitte report, commissioned by Westpac, found... Read More

Heli-saw trial a pine-cutting success

Powerco is trialling an innovative approach to managing trees next to its power lines - using a tree-trimming saw suspended below a helicopter. The energy... Read More

NZ home values continue to weaken in June

Amidst a raft of policy changes, the renewed weakness in New Zealand's home values continued in June. CoreLogic's House Price Index fell 0.5 er cent... Read More

Rentals: Govt to introduce brightline test

Restoring the brightline test to two years will help increase the supply of residential property putting downward pressure on rent, Revenue Minister Simon Watts... Read More

Rotorua Lakes Council: average rates rise 11.4%

Claims of 'budget blowouts” and sewerage scheme 'mismanagement” have prompted a Rotorua councillor to back a community request for a 'thorough investigation”. Rotorua... Read More

Why first home buyers could come out on top

ANALYSIS: I run five surveys each month and recently all of have recorded firm declines in sentiment about the economy and intentions of doing things like hiring... Read More

Rotorua Airbnb landlords under pressure to sell

Property owners providing short-term accommodation in Rotorua are contemplating selling their houses or converting them back to long-term rentals should a new... Read More

BOP homeless: ‘We’ve got nowhere to go’

Kopeopeo business people and their customers have had enough of rough sleepers on the footpaths outside their shops - but the people sleeping there say they... Read More

Cost of insuring a home continues to rise

The cost of insuring a home has risen six times faster than incomes over the past year and the cost of insuring what's inside has risen even faster. Latest... Read More

Rates hike for holiday rentals ‘beggars belief'

A Rotorua bed and breakfast owner says a council plan targeting holiday rental homes 'beggars belief” as some hosts face rates increases of 180 per cent. Rotorua... Read More

Earthquakes: Homeowners urged to check houses

Homeowners are being encouraged to make some simple checks on their homes, and to take actions that will help keep their whānau and properties safe. 'There... Read More

Homeless motels: When will emergency housing end?

The Government says there will be no more emergency housing motels in Rotorua after the end of next year and it will scrap the Rotorua Housing Accord and re-write... Read More