
NZ on track to have more renters than homeowners

Fewer than half the population are likely to own a home in the next 25 years, according to new research. A Deloitte report, commissioned by Westpac, found... Read More

Rotorua councillors chastised at heated meeting

'This is a circus.” That was one frustrated comment during a heated three-hour council debate about a golf club lease, in which the mayor asked a councillor... Read More

Public forums could be ‘weaponised’ – Mayor

Rotorua's council could soon allow public speakers at the start of meetings for the first time in at least 24 years - but Rotorua's mayor says she is concerned... Read More

NZ home values continue to weaken in June

Amidst a raft of policy changes, the renewed weakness in New Zealand's home values continued in June. CoreLogic's House Price Index fell 0.5 er cent... Read More

Tests for students from first year of school

The Government has announced new assessment for students from the first year of school. Education Minister Erica Stanford says from 2025 phonics tests... Read More

Rentals: Govt to introduce brightline test

Restoring the brightline test to two years will help increase the supply of residential property putting downward pressure on rent, Revenue Minister Simon Watts... Read More

Regional Infrastructure Fund opens to applications

Councils, iwi, businesses and community organisations with infrastructure projects that support regional priorities are invited to apply for funding from the... Read More

July 1 changes that may affect your bank account

The start of July brings a raft of changes that will affect households across the country. From prescription changes to mortgage tweaks, the rules, fees and... Read More

Part-time workers could get less sick leave

Part-time workers could end up with less sick leave in an update of the Holidays Act announced by the Workplace Relations Minister. The draft legislation... Read More

Government bill to create marine farm certainty

The Coalition Government is delivering New Zealand's aquaculture industry the confidence and security it needs to grow, says Oceans and Fisheries Minister Shane... Read More

TVNZ financial woes deepen: loss of at least $28m

TVNZ is warning of a large underlying loss amid a worsening advertising downturn. The state-owned broadcaster says it now expected an underlying loss of between... Read More

Asthmatic teen died after ambulance sent on break

When Leanna Petherick walked into her asthmatic daughter's bedroom to give her medication to help her breathe, she knew something was seriously wrong. But... Read More