Memorial Dr to close permanently

The plan for Memorial Dr. The lakefront is to the left of the picture with Whakaue St to the right. Picture/Isthmus

Memorial Dr - the road that links Fenton St to the lakefront - is to close permanently and will become a carpark and plaza as part of the Rotorua Lakefront redevelopment.

The road will be permanently closed from September 28 when Campbell Infrastructure will begin work to transform Memorial Dr into a car park and plaza, rather than a thoroughfare.

The work on Memorial Dr will be ongoing until February 2021 and is part of the $40 million lakefront upgrade.

Rotorua Lakes Council Operations general manager, Jocelyn Mikaere, says the new design aims to provide more space for people to gather, play, exercise and relax.

"A key part of this was reconnecting the land and the water as well as creating spaces for recreation that are uninterrupted by roads and vehicles," she says.

"The existing road along the lake edge will be removed to prioritise pedestrian and cycle movement.

'The work beginning on Memorial Dr next week will involve expanding the space to provide a larger variety of parking for lakefront visitors, including mobility, motorcycle and bicycle parking.

"The new design of Memorial Dr will also make it suitable for events and markets.

'Once work on Memorial Dr is complete, the parking spaces here will be time-limited to ensure availability of spaces for lakefront visitors.

"Once the entire lakefront project is complete, the total number of car parks available at the lakefront will remain approximately the same as before the development and the main parking areas will be on Memorial Dr and off Tūtānekai St.”

Mikaere says there will be no vehicle access to this side of the lakefront and limited pedestrian access while the work is completed.

The public toilets on this side of the lakefront will remain open for the majority of the works, with only a short closure planned for early October.

The temporary footpath currently in place linking Motutara Point to the lakefront will also be maintained to ensure pedestrians and cyclists can still make this connection.

Work continues along the lake edge, where HEB Construction is creating the new boardwalk and terracing.

Waiotahi Contractors continue with their services diversions and will soon be placing preload material in preparation for the playground construction.

Campbell Infrastructure has almost completed its initial work in the existing playground area. This has involved removing existing parts of the playground, completing earthworks and connecting services in readiness for new play equipment and outdoor furniture.

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